Featured Product of the Month: Mild Headcheese

Are you a hardcore meat fan craving for something delicious? Can't you get enough of different types of offal like liver and sweetbreads? We bring you a taste of richness and delicacy in the shape of Headcheese, also known as souse meat. An easy-to-prepare treat to eat will serve as a surefire appetizer at any event. Serve it with any crackers or bread; it won't mind.
What is Headcheese?
It is a type of meat jelly or organ sausage classically made with meat from heads of livestock (mostly calves and pigs) and served cold at normal temperatures. Just to clear the air, souse meat is made up of thick meat from the head and does not contain any eyes, brain or ear. Can’t say the same about the tongue. The process of headcheese starts when all such sensitive organs are already removed from the head.
Where Does Headcheese Come From?
The origins of souse meat can be traced down the Middle Ages Europe when meat was considered the staple food. More than a staple, it was a matter of survival. People used to clean up their heads and cook whatever was left over. In this way, souse meat was first introduced to the world. Different versions under different names are still popular in parts of Asia, Europe, and America.
How to Eat Headcheese?
Usually, people prefer to eat headcheese with thin crackers but you can use pre-made rolls and dig right in with slices as far as it tastes good. However, my favorite way of enjoying souse meat is tossing it on a sandwich with some lettuce and light mustard. This way, the punchiness of flavor hits differently.
So, you must be thinking of how to get your hands on this deliciousness now? Well, you can order pre-made souse meat with or without sausage rolls depending upon whether you make them at home. Or you can take a bold decision and prepare the headcheese mat yourself. That's some work, especially if you are unsure what parts of the head should be added to your meat. Well, in that case ordering it will be wiser.
We hope this article has convinced you to have an experience of eating souse meat if you haven’t already. Can we all agree that headcheese is one of the most underrated and overlooked cuts of meat? Not anymore.